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Limited Badger CullArticle to Eastern Daily Press (as yet unpublished).Today's (27th Feb. 2008) announcement by Efra (what happened to the D? Attempted change of image, but with the same people?) that a limited cull of badgers would be allowed, demonstrates clearly that badgers have no votes. As most people would not want to eat badgers, then I suppose cows win, especially as farmers have opposable thumbs and can put an X on the ballot paper. What our government have failed to put across to the unwashed masses is whether badgers pass on TB to cows, or vice versa. Cotswolds farmer Dick Roper, of Eastington Farm, deduced that maize, a common cattle food, was low in vital immune system boosting selenium, and might be the reason his cattle were suffering with TB. He placed pots of mineral-rich licks outside badger setts on his land, and also changed over to organic farming, feeding his cows clover. While his neighbours still have TB, he has been TB free for 5 years. Surely no coincidence! Why will the government not tell us why they stopped publishing vitamin & mineral analyses of our food in 1990? As cattle on the IOM have TB, in the absence of badgers, why should we throw the baby out with the bath water? Bovine TB